Student Power and How to Use it!

Ground Rules

We welcome everyone into the symposium space. We also ask that folks read through and abide by the ground rules set by the symposium committee. Thanks for your contribution in making the symposium a success!

  • Affirm and respect the feelings, experiences, and backgrounds of others.
  • Ask for what you need–check in with organizers!
  • Remember this is a space of learning and growth for everyone.
  • If you get ‘called out’–listen. Remember that people’s anger about their experiences of oppression is valid. Don’t take it personally–but challenge yourself to change.
  • Hold yourself accountable for your own learning–it is not someone else’s responsibility to teach you about their own oppression.
  • Speak from your own experience (check your privilege!).
  • Leave space for the folks who are actually impacted by the issue(s) at hand (exp. make sure folks with lived experience are able to access the room and are the center of the discussion portion).
  • Help take care of the space! Be mindful that this is a shared space and keep it clean.
  • Help make the space accessible for everyone–be fragrance free, leave room for mobility aids, respect people’s pronouns & gender expressions and ask consent for physical touch.